

  • Hello, my friends, My name is Cherie. I come from BeiHai, a city of GuangXi province. Now I want to tell you something about me hometown. BeiHai is a beautiful city near the sea. There are several places worth visiting. The most famous place is the Silver Beach. You can take the no.2 bus and take no.3bus to the Silver Beach. You can get off the bus at the Beach hotel stop and set the luggage or have s rest at the hotel. Then go back the road which the bus have come. The beach is not far from the hotel, you can’t miss it. The seafood is very delicious, you can have some for supper after swimming. The world under the sea is a fantasy place. When you go into it, you will feel that you are really under the sea. There are so many kinds of fish swimming around you.

    The most exciting program is “dancing with the shark” .that is some girls who dress as the fish dive into the water and play.

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