八年级英语上册短文填空One time there was a hunter .He liked to boast of


  • One time there was a hunter . He liked to boast of his hunting trips to others. He (told) everyone how he killed a lion . He said that the small animals would run away (if) they saw him .

    One day, the hunter was passing through a forest . A man (was) busy cutting down a tree. The hunter came to (him) and said, "How are you? It's a fine day , isn't (it) ?"

    "Yes!" the man (said).

    "Well, are there(any) lions near the forest? I killed one just two weeks ago."

    The (man) knew that the hunter liked to boast. So he said ,"Yes, a lion (is) near the forest. Can I take you there?"

    (But) the hunter said,"No...no...Next time ."Then the hunter ran away quickly.