

  • French,same,words,Chinese,example,many,why,great,much,what,another,tell

    Languages change with time and the world.So does English.New __1__ are borrowed from other languages.About nine hundred years ago there were __2__ changes in England.A great __3__ words were borrowed into English from __4__.About five hundred years ago there was __5__ change.This time it was a change in pronunciation(发音),but the spelling was not __6__ changed.English words are spelled quite the __7__ as they were in those days.The spelling shows how words were spoken at that time.It does not __8__ us much about the pronunciation of words today.For __9__,the letters “gh” in the word “night” show us nothing about how it is spoken now.That’s __10__ students learning English find English spelling so confusing(容易弄混淆的).

    [答案简析] 通过阅读,我们知道这是一篇关于英语词汇和读音的演变.1.words.意思是“一些新的词汇是借用于其他语言”.2.great.“巨大的变化”为great change.3.many.words为可数名词的复数形式,用many修饰.4.French.从前文…were borrowed into English from…可知应填French(法语).5.another.大约500年前,英语又发生了变化.6.much.英语发音虽然有了变化,但拼写没有太多的变化.7.same.拼写还是和原来相同.8.tell.前一句用shows,很显然,此处应用tell表示“告诉”.9.example.这里是在举例子.For example意为“例如”.10.why.由于英语在拼写方面没有太大的变化,而在读音上发生了变化.这就是学英语的学生拼写容易出错的原因.