用五个句子改写下面的短文I've fallen in love with a new computer game.I'm


  • 1.I've fallen in love with a new computer game. I'm very interested in it.I spend much of my time on it.(用so...that结构合并句子)

    I'm so interested in a new computer game that I spend much of my time on it.

    2. I often play it till late at night.Sometimes I even stay up.(合并句子)

    I often play it till late at night and sometimes even stay up.

    3. It often comes to my mind in class.It makes me pay no attention to what the teacher says.(合并句子,然后在句首加衔接词)

    what is worse, it often comes to my mind in class and makes me pay no attention to what the teacher says.

    4. If this continues,it will do great harm to my health.Besides,it will have a bad influence on my studies.I knowthis.(合并句子)

    I know if this continues,it will do great harm to my health and have a bad influence on my studies.

    5. I have no idea how to give it up.I hope you can give me some advice.(合并句子)

    .I hope you can give me some advice since I have no idea how to give it up

    1. Lots of animals have disappeared from the earth.Another great number of them are endangered.This is because their habitats are damage and humas hunt them cruelly.(用with改写并合并句子)

    Lots of animals have disappeared from the earth and another great number of them are endangered with their habitats damaged and themselves hunt cruelly by humans.

    2. Humans continue to destroy their habitats and hunt them.They'll soon die out.(选用合适的引导词合并句子)

    If humans continue to destroy their habitats and hunt them,they'll soon die out.

    3. We should do what we ca to protect them from extinction.This is our duty.(用it句型合并句子)

    It is our duty to do what we ca to protect them from extinction.

    4. We should make a law to protect them and punish those who go against it.This is most important.(用what引导的主语从句合并句子,然后在句首加衔接词)

    First of all, what is important is to make a law to protect them and punish those who go against it.

    5. Then we can set up reserves to provide them with comfortable habitats.Meanwhile,we can take measures to make people know better about the importance of wildlife protection.(合并句子)

    Then we can set up reserves to provide them with comfortable habitats and meanwhile take measures to make people know better about the importance of wildlife protection.

    1. Music is my favorite hobby.It has indeed helped me a lot.(合并成一个简单句)

    Music ,my favorite hobby, has indeed helped me a lot.

    2. I'm upset by the tiring work.A piece of classical music drives my bad mood away.It gives me some rest.And it makes me full of energy.(选用适当的引导词和连接词合并句子)

    When I'm upset by the tiring work, a piece of classical music drives my bad mood away, gives me some rest, and makes me full of energy.

    3. When I'm nervous or angry,a piece of Mozart calms me down.When i'm sad,pop music helps cheer me up.(选用适当的连接词合并句子)

    When I'm nervous or angry,a piece of Mozart calms me down and when i'm sad,pop music helps cheer me up.

    4. We students face great presure from study.We should not give in to it.(合并成一个简单句)

    We students should not give in to the great presure from study.

    5.We must find a way to give vent to it.Listening to music can be a good choice.(选用适当的连接词合并句子)

    Listening to music can be a good choice to give vent to it.