"东关街两旁商店林立,可以买到很多扬州特产" 的翻译为:
Both sides of the Dongguan Street are lined with shops,from where you can buy a lot of local specialties of Yangzhou.
"扬州是一座适宜人居住的园林城市" 的翻译为:
Yangzhou is a Garden-City,which is suitable for human habitation.
"东关街两旁商店林立,可以买到很多扬州特产" 的翻译为:
Both sides of the Dongguan Street are lined with shops,from where you can buy a lot of local specialties of Yangzhou.
"扬州是一座适宜人居住的园林城市" 的翻译为:
Yangzhou is a Garden-City,which is suitable for human habitation.