求英语帝,做一道改错题One night,after a day's hard work I went to bed e


  • One night,after a day's hard work I went to bed early(earlier) than usual.I suddenly wake(woke) up.I heard a noise(voice).I got out(of) bed and went slowly downstairs.I listened very carefully(careful).I could hear two men speaking quietly.I didn't think many(any).I believed thief had broken into my house but(and) I was really frightened.I went back (upstairs)删除 and called to the police from my bedroom.The police arrived quickly.They opened the front door with a specially(special) key.You can imagine how embarrassing(embarrassed) I was when the police came upstairs and told me he had turned the televison off for me and everthing was all right.这个我不敢保证对10个 但是以前高中的时候改错是强项 太晚了 没精神了 其实改错不难 就是一些语法上的小问题 每个改错基本上都有6个是白给的 多看些关于改错的方法 都是有规律的