look alike.look like意思分别是什么,区别又是什么


  • look 是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟宾语

    而look at短语的词行相当于及物动词,也就是说可以后面直接跟宾语.

    关于look like的用法:

    look like 是"看上去像,像...,似...,外貌特征是..."


    Doesn't she look like her father?

    No matter what the results of the homemade gift look like,remember it's the thought that counts.

    而 looks like 应该是用在三人称后的,

    The man looks like a cartoon character with a plaster on his temple.

    She looks like a very demure young lady.

    kls sadfjjkashfa

    look alike 的主语是俩个事物或人,不接宾语.意思是他们看起来相似.eg,A and B look alike.

    look like 也是俩事物或人指看起来像.不过句子结构是A looks like B.

    look the same as 通常指物.意思是俩事物看起来一样.句子结构和look like 一样是A looks the same as B.

    take after 只用于人,指长相的像父母长辈等.句子结构为A takes after B.
