应该是 meals be serve on board
Be meals serve on board? 是错的吗?
the time is _____ when we must be on board00
英文怎说?Can you serve it be quick 文法上有错吗?能帮我改改吗?00
will be finalized after you are on board的中文意思00
One side of the board should be painted yellow, and _______00
站在甲板上是stand on board还是stand on the board?00
这两句英语正确吗?1.One room has to be served as both bedroom and liv00
Anyone ( )trying to take knives on board flights would be ca00
英语翻译These collections will be posted on the bulletin board t00
serve one right00
求翻译: the pictures provided would be kept on file and serve a00