

  • material可以是名词,也可是形容词;而substance就只是名词.就名词意义而言,二者最大的区别就是:material其实指(原)材料; 而substance则是物质(更泛指意义上的材料).具体辨析如下:

    ① material

    a) The substance or substances out of which a thing is or can be made.--> 能构成其它thing的substance.就是说material是substance的特例,即原材料.

    b) Something,such as an idea or information,that is to be refined and made or incorporated into a finished effort.--> 抽象意义上的材料,素材或基础信息.

    c) material(s) Tools or apparatus for the performance of a given task.--> 复数s形式,指材料工具.

    d) Yard goods or cloth.---> 布料或院子里堆放的杂货.

    e) A person who is qualified or suited for a position or activity.---> 具有某种特质或资格的人.

    ② substance

    a) That which has mass and occupies space; matter./ A material of a particular kind or constitution.

    泛指占据某种空间或时间的物质; 或某种具体类型的物质.即具体或抽象皆可的物质.

    b) Essential nature; essence/Gist,heart.本质,要素或心灵上的抽象物质

    c) That which is solid and practical in character,quality,or importance.某种具体特质或意义.

    d) Density; body.--> 密度,实体.

    e) Material possessions; goods; wealth.--> 资产,实力,财富等(也是具体意义的物质).
