一句英语帮忙翻译send and you shall receive


  • when you send something through the mail,you will receive something back.It could be a smile,a hug,a kiss,a thank-you,or simply the satisfaction of thinking of someone and acting on it.We've summed it up as "Send and you shall receive".

    Nothing says you care quite like mail - so go on,give it a go,and see what you get back!

    这是指发出电子邮件之后你会收到另外一封广告形式的邮件.这邮件里包含的东西可以是 一个拥抱,一个飞吻,一句表达想念意思的问候等等.于是人们就把这种回馈的方式称为:Send and you shall receive
