

  • 不好意思,我刚上线,刚看到,希望还能帮助你啊!

    1 take photos/ pictures 照像

    2 take photos/ pictures of sb/ sth 给某人或某物照相

    3 have a good time\have funhave a great tame 玩得愉快

    4 work for sb / sth 为某人工作

    Eg: Yuan Yuan works for CCTV’s Around The World show

    5 on vacation 度假

    Eg: There are many people here on vacation.

    6 some----others--- 一些.....另外一些..... one……the others…….一个....另一个....(两者之间)

    Eg: There are many students in the classroom. Some are writing, others are reading.

    7 put on 穿上(动作)  wear 穿着(状态)

    Eg: Tom is putting on his coat now.

    8 on the beach 在沙滩上

    Eg: Tom and his family are playing on the beach at this moment.

    9 this group of people 这一群人

    10. in this heat

    1 take photos/ pictures 照像

    2 take photos/ pictures of sb/ sth 给某人或某物照相

    3 have a good time\have funhave a great tame 玩得愉快

    4 work for sb / sth 为某人工作

    Eg: Yuan Yuan works for CCTV’s Around The World show

    5 on vacation 度假

    Eg: There are many people here on vacation.

    6 some----others--- 一些.....另外一些..... one……the others…….一个....另一个....(两者之间)

    Eg: There are many students in the classroom. Some are writing, others are reading.

    7 put on 穿上(动作)  wear 穿着(状态)

    Eg: Tom is putting on his coat now.

    8 on the beach 在沙滩上

    Eg: Tom and his family are playing on the beach at this moment.

    9 this group of people 这一群人

    10. in this heat