

  • Harry Potter, the main character of the book whose parents were killed by the dark sorcerer Lord Voldmort when he was only one year old.He was adopted by his uncle and aunt.Later he was admitted for training at Hogwarts and became a freshman at Gryfindor.

    James and Lily Potter ,Harry's parents.They were both exelents studentsat Hogwarts and they were even the Chairman and Chairwoman of the Student Union .

    Albus Dumbledore: the head of a wizardry academy called Hogwarts,a world-famous wizard .

    Rubeus Hagrid:,Gamekeeper and Keeper of the Keys at Hogwarts.He is also Harry's good friend.He once learned at Hogwarts but got expelled from school in the third grade because odf violating school rules.

    Voildmort:formally called Tom Riddle,a dark wizard with great power and has been keen on ruling the wizard world.any witch or wizard dares not to speak his name,so they call him "The person not to be named"
