

  • 酿造是生产的啤酒 ,通过浸泡一源谷物淀粉)水(俗称然后发酵的酵母.Brewing has taken place since around the 6th millennium BC,and archeological evidence suggests that this technique was used in ancient Egypt .酝酿已发生以来围绕第六公元前3000年,和考古证据表明,使用这种技术是在古埃及 .Descriptions of various beer recipes can be found in Sumerian writings,some of the oldest known writing of any sort.[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] Brewing takes place in a brewery by a brewer,and the brewing industry is part of most western economies.各种啤酒的配方说明可发现苏美尔人的著作.一些已知最古老的书写任何形式[1] [2] [3]需要放置在酿造啤酒用啤酒和酿造业是西部最经济.

    The basic ingredients of beer are water; a starch source,such as malted barley ,which is able to be fermented (converted into alcohol); a brewer's yeast to produce the fermentation; and a flavouring such as hops .[ 4 ] A secondary starch source (an adjunct ) may be used,such as maize (corn),rice or sugar.[ 5 ] Less widely used starch sources include millet ,sorghum and cassava root in Africa,potato in Brazil,and agave in Mexico,among others.[ 6 ] The amount of each starch source in a beer recipe is collectively called the grain bill .成分啤酒基本都是水,淀粉之源,如麦芽 大麦 ,这是能够被发酵(酒精转化成的一种),啤酒酵母生产发酵和调味品,如啤酒花 .[4]次要淀粉源(一兼职 ),可使用,如玉米(玉米),大米和糖.[5]减广泛应用于淀粉来源,包括小米 ,高粱和木薯的根在非洲,马铃薯在巴西和龙舌兰在墨西哥别人,等等.[6]该配方量的啤酒每淀粉来源是统称为粮食法案 .

    There are several steps in the brewing process,which include malting ,milling ,mashing ,lautering ,boiling ,fermenting ,conditioning ,filtering ,and packaging .有几个步骤,在酿造过程中,其中包括啤酒 ,铣 ,糖化 ,lautering ,煮沸 ,发酵 ,空调 ,过滤和包装 .There are three main fermentation methods,warm ,cool and wild or spontaneous .主要有三种发酵方法,热情 ,冷静和野生的或自发的 .Fermentation may take place in open or closed vessels.发酵可采取公开或密闭容器的地方.There may be a secondary fermentation which can take place in the brewery,in the cask or in the bottle .有可能是一个二次发酵,可采取放置在啤酒厂,就在木桶或瓶子 .

    Brewing specifically refers to the process of steeping,such as with making tea,sake and soy sauce .Wine and cider technically aren't brewed,rather vinted,as the entire fruit is pressed,and then the liquid extracted.Mead isn't technically brewed,as the honey is used entirely,as opposed to being steeped in water.具体是指酿造过程中浸泡,如与泡茶的缘故和酱油 .葡萄酒和苹果酒酿造技术上没有,而是vinted,因为整个果实被按下,然后提取液.米德在技术上并不酿制,因为蜂蜜是用来完全,而不是被水浸泡.