

  • Grill..the heat comes from the bottom to cook the food.只有底部受热,例如烧烤.

    Roast-usually meat or vegetables are cooked uncovered in an oven or on a or pit outside using dry heat.There is also a device called a "roaster" that will turn a whole chicken or roast round and round so it gets evenly cooked.一般放在烤箱内或者用很深的锅让食物,通常为肉类或者蔬菜,各个方向都受热.

    Bake-Food cooked inside the oven on bake with sauce or liquid to make a broth or just for flavor.Must be covered or it will dry out.用法更广泛,可以近似于中文的烘焙,也可以指把肉放在烤箱里烤.