Men have always wondered about the earth they live on and ab


  • 小题1:sky

    小题2:They asked what this strange bright object in the sky was. OR

    What is the strange bright object in the sky? OR

    They asked why the strange object changed its shape from night to night. OR

    Why does the strange object change its shape from night to night? OR

    They asked why some of the stars and planets changed their position, while others did not.

    Why do some of the stars and planets change their positions, while others do not?

    小题3:They also thought about the shape of the earth. (too, as well )


    小题5:it possible



    小题2:根据第二段描述,可知答: They asked what this strange bright object in the sky was. OR

    What is the strange bright object in the sky? OR

    They asked why the strange object changed its shape from night to night. OR

    Why does the strange object change its shape from night to night? OR

    They asked why some of the stars and planets changed their position, while others did not.

    Why do some of the stars and planets change their positions, while others do not?

    小题3:考察短语think about考虑。结合可知本句描述的是过去发生的动作,故谓语动词用过去式。注意副词also too as well的用法区别。also,as well,too,用于肯定句,also常用于be动词,情态动词,助动词之后,行为动词之前;as well,too用于句末;

    小题4:考察there be句型的翻译,这个句型表示某地有某物。

    小题5:本句话的含义是,在伽利略望远镜的帮助下,人们能够更清楚的看见太空,发现恒星和行星的位置。结合语境可知填it possible,伽利略望远镜让人们更清楚的看见太空,发现恒星和行星的位置成为可能。