其实您在背单词和阅读的时候, 只要注意这4种情况:#-1:want(vt.)---这个vt.(transitive verb)代表这个动词后面一定要+宾语(即: someone/something)
Do you want more coffee?He wants a bicycle for his birthday. I just wanted a chance to rest.
#-2:talk(vi)---这个vi.(intransitive verb)代表这个动词后面不可以直接+宾语, 必须+介词(prep.)+宾语 He loves to hear himself talk.We need to talk.【talk about/with/to+.....】 You shouldn't talk to your mother that way.She still talks about your wedding and how perfect it was.The coach refused to talk with the reporters.#-3: 主系表是涉及到一些特别的动词, 即: linking verbbe/go/become/get/turn/feel/smell/taste/look/sound/prove...等等这些词的后面可以+adj, 这样就构成了主系表结构。 It may prove difficult/impossible to do this.The milk has turned sour.#-4: 阅读的时候, 只需看动词后面有无someone/something/adj.来确定是什么动词。