1.He presented himself before the judge,knowing full well th


  • 1.yet 分割konwing full well that he was guilty 和hoping for leniency.在知道……的情况下任然……,动词并列应保持时态一致.

    2.答案是she portraying么?portraying是个动名词,一般不作为所有格的宾语.

    3.continue to do sth是做完一件再做别的,

    continue doing sth是做一件事中断后再继续做这件事,After finishing my homework ,i continue to help my mother with housework.写完作业后帮妈妈做家务.

    After finishing my homework ,i continue helping my mother with housework.原来在帮妈妈做家务,然后写做些,写完作业继续帮妈妈做家务.

    4.never do something until do something,是个固定用法的语法,have(had)never done something until did something 也一样是个固定用法的语法.

    5.整个语句说的是时间概念,关键词“since”是“自……起”的意思,明显的是since when,这个when指的是1962,如果句子改成这样可以用which:Born of Ibuza parents in Nigeria,novelist Buchi Emecheta moved to England in 1960,in which she has lived from then.
