

  • 1. C: Good morning . This is room reservation . May I help you ?

    G: Yes , I’d like to book a room , please .

    C: Fine , For which date ?

    G: For Oct. 1st .

    C: For how many nights ?

    G: Two nights.

    C: A single room or a double room ?

    G: A double room .

    C: Could you give me your name , please ?

    G: Mr. John Cook .

    C: May I have your telephone number , please ?

    G: 021-81006382

    C: What time do you expect to arrive , sir ?

    G: At about 6.p.m .

    C: Fine , Mr. Jone Cook , a double room for Oct .1st and 2nd .

    G: That is right . Good-bye .

    C: Good-bye and we are looking forward to seeing you .2. C: Good morning . Room reservation . Can I help you ?

    G: I’d like to make a reservation .

    C: When for ?

    G: For Sept .9th .

    C: For how long ?

    G: About a week .

    C: Could you hold the line , please ? I’ll check….

    Thank you for waiting , sir . I’m afraid our hotel is fully booked on those days .

    G: That’s all right .

    C: We’re very sorry , sir . We hope you understand .