there be 句子以there be 引导的句子.要有翻译.要10句


  • 我帮你把there be形式,be到底是用单数还是复数形式,接可数名词、不可数名词,以及就近原则都分别举出例子,希望对你有所帮助.

    There is a book on the desk.(桌子上有本书)

    There is a cat under the desk.(桌子底下有只猫)

    There are two girls over there.(那边有两个女孩)

    There is no water in the bottle.(瓶子里没水)

    There are two pieces of bread in the fridge.(冰箱里有两块面包)

    There are a lot of students in the school.(这个学校有很多学生)

    There are many animals in the zoo.(动物园里有很多动物)

    There are 30 boys in my class.(我班上有30个男生)

    There are 5 apples in the room.(房间里有5个苹果)

    There are five apples and one orange in the room.(房间里有五个苹果和一个桔子.)

    There is one orange and five apples in the room.(房间里有一个桔子和五个苹果.)