英语补全对话Li Hua:Ma Li,there will be a basketball game in our sc


  • Li Hua:Ma Li,there will be a basketball game in our school tomorrow afternoon._____

    B.Would you like to watch it with me?

    Ma Li:Sure,I'd love to._____F.Which two classes well have the game?

    Li Hua:Class 103 and Class 105.

    Ma Li:Really?My brother is in Class 105._____C.They play very well.

    Li Hua:Which team do you think will win the game?

    Ma Li:Class 105,of course.

    Li Hua:_____ A.I don't think so

    Class 103 is stronger than Class 105._____D.I predict Class 103 will win the game.

    Ma Li:Anyway,I hope Class 105 will win.Let's wait and see.