

  • You will go through tough time,it is about coming through that.These words were uttered by DB,and now it has become my motto.

    DB’s mistake cost his team to enter the finals back in 1998.It wasn’t easy for him because for three years he was constantly getting death threats.Then in one game,he scored one critical goal against Greece which was his redeeming glory.He was at his most difficult time of his life,yet in the end not only was he able to redeem himself,his team won because of him.

    I can empathize with his experience because I went through the same thing when I was in my senior year.During that time,everybody was under pressure for the college entrance exam.I swear nobody in our class was smiling anymore since they were all serious about their studies.There were a lot of work in school and more work when I got home.I could hardly breathe because of the tense atmosphere.Difficulties and problems were in the way.I was stressed and depressed.My self-confidence was nil.One time I was working on a problem,suddenly it was if David Beckham spoke to me and I was refreshed and hope became alive again.From time to time whenever I feel I couldn’t go on,his words continue to haunt in my mind ,telling me quietly ”little soldier,stick to it ,be firm the belief,and be brave!”