17、---The boy has to stay at home to look after his little s


  • 17 hasn't he?

    18 Really?

    19 hasn't he?


    22 will you?

    23 isn't it?

    24 didn't she?

    25 haven't

    26 would he?

    27 did they?

    28 do they?

    29 haven't you?

    30 doesn't it?

    31 haven't they?

    32 is there?

    33 don't they?

    34 is she?

    35 don't

    36 hasn't she?

    37 don't they?

    38 didn't she?

    39 hadn't they?

    40 isn't I

    41 does he?

    41 will you?

    43 doesn't it?

    44 could he?

    45 shall we?

    46isn't he?

    47 do they?

    48 could they?