英语翻译通过考察厚近薄远原则所选用的公式F ,可以看出G取值是非常关键的.改变H值可以改变厚近薄远的程度,决定不同时期历


  • It could be viewed,through study on Formula F selected by the principel as "giving more weight on the closer one rather than the further",that it is very important as of G value.Change in H value may alter degree/extent(任选) of “weighing more on the closer one than the further”,which does determine impacts of model errors of history datum during periods on predictions.Extremely small I value may lead to impact nearly to zero as of "the further weighing" model error laid on final predictions,while the larger J value gets,the closer the results with optimum seeking method are to that drawn from the principle of "equality between the closer one and the further"; in other words(或:that is,namely),the larger J value gets,the weaker effect as of "weighing more on the closer one than the further" it produces.
