围绕 Is she pretty/strict/kind?Yes,she is.设计一个情景教学活动.


  • Jack:What do you think of Lucy, Ann? 安,你怎么看露西?

    Ann:I don't like her very much . 我不太喜欢她.

    Jack:Why? Isn't she kind?为什么?难道她不好吗?

    Ann:Yes,she is.But she studies so hard that just like a bookworm. 不,她挺好的.但是她用功过了头,像个书呆子.

    Jack:I also think so . She is always studying even after class. 我也这么觉得.她连下课都在学习.

    Ann:I think a good student should study hard but not study all the time.
