书面表达 英语作文假设你们学校要举行运动会,你根据你们班的实际情况,写一篇短文介绍你自己以及你的同班同学所要参加的体育项


  • Let me tell you some ways to study English.First,you should speak English as more as possible.It is a good way to improve your speaking.Nest,you should try your best to see English movies or to listen to English songs.It can help you understand others better.And an English club is a good place to practice English speaking. So you can join an English club to improve your speaking.And it may improve your interest in English.I hope I can help you and you can study English speaking better.Wish you good luck!署名自己写哒.- -我自己写的、希望对你有帮助.