英语俚语Fill in the blank for these common idioms:As __________


  • As blind as a bat.看不清的;不易看清的;

    As busy as a bee.忙碌的蜜蜂;

    As sound as a bell ;健壮;

    As fresh as a daisy.新鲜的菊花;

    As slippery as an eel;滑如泥鳅;

    As light as a feather; 轻如鸿毛;

    As sly as a fox;像狐狸一样狡猾;

    As old as the hills.极古老;

    As quiet as a mouse.(像老鼠一样)不声不响;十分安静;

    As stubborn as a mule;像骡子一样顽固;
