all of this stuff 这句话不可数吗?
all of this stuff
或是 all the stuff 因为 all 用作前卫限定词 不要of也行
Well,what do oyu think of all this?这句话里的this为什么不用these?(在这句话
this means the person wants to pay all of you 这句话对吗
表示情感的词可数不可数?比如grief.This is great grief to us all.这句话没有错误吧?再
zoo是可数名词吗?This is zoo.这句话是否正确?
这句话可不可以这么说all the citizens of Troy celebrated.换成all the citi
请英语大神们看看我这两句话This stuff will be disposed of as garbage.Can u
There were a lot of new building.请问这句话对吗,building是可数名词还是不可数名
怎么翻译这句话Nice new photos of me and my friends and stuff...
what's all this 'we' stuff?you say "we" all the time now.
Look,this is a picture of a zoo.这句话成立吗