求一篇英语作文,题目为《what do you think of beibery?》不少于120个单词,允许有语法错误,


  • 题目确定没有出错吗?beibery是什么?应该是bribery(n.贿赂)吧?

    先提交回答 再想 再写 再修改答案 所以楼主别急

    What do you think of bribery?

    Nowadays a growing number of people are tempted by bribes.But have you though about how could this be?

    For my part,we can break it into two parts——serious or not so serious.

    If the situation is too serious.The influence will be very bad because everyone will think that it's unfair and it must be condemned.The worst thing is that maybe someone will follow the example of it.

    If the situation is not so serious.Although it is bad,I think it can be forgive,because it could make the bribee have power to work,and let the briber know that there is a price to do something they want to do.

    In fact,It's difficult for us to evaluate these situations is right or wrong because all of us don't know how the influence it will be and the bribery can be good or bad.

    词穷,初高中水平 参考一下吧.半个小时呀.