英语翻译7.In the summers of 1900,they took it to asmall village


  • 7.In the summers of 1900,they took it to a

    small village in North Carolinato test.


    take...to test 拿...作试验

    8.They chose that place because it had

    steady winds,no trees,and miles of soft sand to land on.


    Land on 着陆

    9.For three summers,they tested and improved

    their gliders.连续三年的夏天,他们进行试验以改进滑翔机.

    For three summers 连续三年的夏天

    10.Then in 1903,the Wright brothers built

    an airplane.On December 17,1903,Orville became the first person in history to

    fly an airplane.Orville flew for 12 seconds and went 120 feet.


    in history 历史上

    11.On the last one,Wilbur flew for 59

    seconds and went 852 feet.Five more people were there and watched their

    flights,but many people didn’t believe these flights ever took place.


    took place 发生

    12.In the following years,they continued

    to make many more flights in their new airplane.These flights were a great

    success,and thousands of people came to see them.


    thousands of 数以千计的