英语翻译摘 要学生公寓管理系统的现状和必要性,再研究了当前实用和先进的管理信息系统建设的思想和理论,并吸取其中的先进设计


  • Summary

    The necessity and status of student apartments's Management System

    When we study the thought and theory draw advanced design and method among which we bulded practical and advanced currently,

    We provide theoretical basis for the analysis and design of the system.

    We analysis process the status of student apartments’s emphasisly,so that conform the feature of management itself and content the requirements of general institutions.The design frut development platform with Microsoft Vasual Basic 6.0 and Microsoft SQL Sever 2000 for the backstage database、VB and SQL of the Language development for the enter、add、modify、delete of the Data ,

    Everything we do is to efficient and unity management the status of student apartments’s better.
