How many birthdays are there in May?
There are( three) birthdays in May.对括号部分进行提问
There are(three)bedrooms.[对括号部分提问]
英语题````````There are{ two} birthdays in May(对扩起来的部分提问) My fa
There are (some apples )in the box.对括号内部分进行提问.(
There are three traffic lights in the city(对three进行提问)
There are three birds in the tree.(对划线部分提问)
there are three people in my family (对划线部分提问)
There are there books [in the desk]对括号部分提问
对括号部分进行提问?There are (forty-eight students )in my cless. 改成问句
There are (some pictures)in the book.(对括号部分提问)
there are [24hours] in a day.【对括号部分提问】