

  • abstract: this artical aims at the study of millet wine,and measures physicochemical index according to various national standards.We establish model equation by researching many groups of statistics .Typical Properties:total sugar of millet wine,alcoholic strength,Total acidity, PH value.Taking Shaoxing Tower millet wine and Tianmu mountain millet wine for example,we use one -year aging, five-year aging, eight-year aging as the data array of the age equation of the millet wine, adopting MATLAB(Matrix Laboratory, )to fit and getting the mathematical model of millet wine based on the above Typical Properties, so that to provide reference of the judgement of the age of the wine. we adopt wine of different producing areas as the data array of the producing area,adopting MATLAB to fit and getting the mathematical model of the producing area of millet wine based on the above Typical Properties, as a reference of the judgement of the prodecing area of the millet wine.

    Key words:黄酒:millet wine 酒龄:annee 产地:producing area 理化指标: Typical Properties 模型:model
