求分析下列句子结构.Talking with parents about the past may enhance th


  • Talking with parents about the past may enhance the development of the self-concept,for example,as well as help the child understand what it means to "remember."

    主语Talking with parents about the past

    谓语 enhance

    宾语 the development

    定语 of the self-concept

    插入语 for example

    并列谓语 help

    并列宾语 the child

    宾补 understand what it means to "remember."

    It may be that the developments just described are intertwined with and influence one another.

    主语 it

    系词 may be

    表语 that the developments just described are intertwined with and influence one another

    其中 主语 the development

    定语 just described

    系词 are

    表语 intertwined with and influence one another

    When parents talk with children about "what we did today" or "last week" or "last year," they guide the children's formation of a framework for talking about the past.

    时间状语 When parents talk with children about "what we did today" or "last week" or "last year,"

    主语 they

    谓语 guide

    宾语 the children's formation of a framework for talking about the past.