

  • 《沉思录》原文是希腊文,不同的汉译全是源于采用的不同英译本.


    而梁实秋用的应该是John Jackson译本(To my great-grandfather I am debtor in that he sent me to the public courses of instruction, procured for me the wisest teachers at home, and taught me that on education we must spend with an open hand.)

    何怀宏用的是George Long译本(From my great-grandfather, not to have frequented public schools,and to have had good teachers at home, and to know that on such things a man should spend liberally.)译为:从我的曾祖父那里,我懂得了不要时常出入公共学校,而是要在家里有好的教师;懂得了在这些事情上一个人要不吝钱财。”

    此外还有G.H.Rendall的译本:Thanks to my great-grandfather, I did not attend public lectures, but was supplied with good masters at home,and learned that in such matters free outlay is no extravagance.