用Los Angeles,John,Carpenter,overwhelmed,wood poles写一个故事(故事里包


  • John is a carpenter who comes from Los Angeles.He used to make coffins for dead people.However,after his wife Jenny died,he was so sad that he was tired of making coffins to people.After that for a long time,he was addicted in the sorrow until he saw an advertisement on TV about making wood poles in China.Therefore,he overwhelmed himself and set out to Shaoxing,China.He knows that Shanxing is a watery city and almost every boatman must use the wood pole to row the boat.As he is a carpenter,he decided to open a small shop majoring in making wood poles.At first,duo to he can not say chinese,nobody goes to his shop for wood poles.However,after a short period of time,his career become blooming.Almost every boatman prefer to ask him to make wood poles for them for it's very cheap.
