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  • We should know the importance of study.我们应该知道学习的重要性.

    The fight against the taliban has become harder.打击塔利班已经变得更加艰难.

    I want to see that interview.我想看看这次采访.

    kepp...adj.(形容词) 你是否是打错了?

    Considerable improvement in the quality of farm produce.农产品质量明显提高.

    Is there any pollution in canada?在加拿大有污染吗?

    To make the transportation more convenient between different districts.以使各个区之间运输更加便利.

    In fact,he saved my iife one time.实际上,他曾经救过我的命.

    The teapot should be made of china or earthenware.泡茶的壶应为瓷制或陶制.

    They are all used in our daily lives.它们都是日常生活中会用到的.

    His character is without stain.他的人品纯洁无瑕.

    An egg has millions of holes in its shell.蛋壳上有几百万个小孔.

    By choosing to stop doing stupid work you can make meaningful choices.通过停止做愚蠢的工作,你可以做出有意义的选择.

    A good educational background is important.好的教育背景很重要.

    The importance of talents has been no doubt.人才的重要性无可质疑.

    10 Things dieters need to know about metabolism.减肥,你需要知道新陈代谢10件事.

    You have a lot more influence than you think.你比你自己所想的拥有更多影响力.
