英语 作文 改错一小时后作废Before he was a teacher,bob told me that what


  • Before he was a teacher,bob(Bob) told me that what he would like to do(do和a之间需加一个谓语动词is) a lawyer when he was at school!He worked very hard at his lessons and try(tried) to enter intpes after they step(stepped) into the society."

    o a famous university,but something unhappy happened in his family,which made necessary for him to work for a(生活life是不可数名词,应去掉a) life.as a young man,he had been a bus drive

    r,a dustman and a salesman,but he spent his spare times(时间time不可数应去掉s) studying(spend time on doing sth.在studying前加on) and finally became a college teacher."young people,"he often said,"full of wishes and ho