

  • 1、他是你的表弟吗?Is he your little cousin?

    2、这些是什麼?What are these?

    3、谢谢你的照片和来信.Thanks for your photo and letter!

    4、那些是谁?Who are those?

    5、他们是我的朋友.They are friends of mine.

    6、我的父母亲.my parents.

    7、他的祖母.his paternal Grandma.

    8、她的朋友.her fiend.

    9、我的哥哥.my big brother

    10、我的两个弟弟.my tow little brothers

    11、他的外祖父母.his maternal grandparents

    12、他们是我的父母亲.They are my parents.

    13、谢谢你的帮助.Thank you for the help!

    14、这些照片太美妙了.These photos are so beautiful!

    15、那是你的叔叔和阿姨吗?Are they you uncle and aunt?

    16、这是我家的一张照片.This is one of my family photo


    1、Is you jim?- Are you Jim?

    2、He family name is zhang.- His family name is ZHANG.

    3、What's you name?- Whats your name?

    4、Nice too meet you - Nice to meet you.

    5、hi!I'm jim - 没语法问题

    6、My first name is Green - 没语法问题

    7、good morning to you - 没语法问题

    8、I is a pupil - I am a pupil

    9、---Are you a teacher?---NO,I am not - 没语法问题

    10、She telephone number is 524-7687

    Her telephone number is 524-7687

    11、Is these your photos?- Are these your photos?

    12、Who's these in the picture?- Who are these in the picture?

    13、Do you his friend?- Are you his friend?

    14、This's bird.That's a cat - This is a bird,that's a cat.

    15、Is that your brothers?Yes,it is.

    Is he your brother?Yes he is.

    16、This are Jack and his sister - They are Jack and his sister.

    17、---Are these your brothers over there?---Yes,they are

    Are they your brothers over there?

    18、---Are those your parents?---Yes,they're

    Are they your parents?