

  • Happiness means that i can become a wholly functioning human being.Happiness means that i are able to experience my aliveness.Happiness means i will experience the very best that life has to offer.It may not be money,or power or fame,but it is the very best that life holds for me.It means that first and foremost i am happy no matter what happens.Happiness is the most important thing i can do.Nothing is more important than happiness.Happiness is the ultimate reason i do things because i want them to bring you happiness.Happiness simply means that i start with happiness in order to experience happiness.

    Happiness is the essential quality of being responsible and taking charge.Happiness means taking full responsibility for my life.Happiness is taking control of the one thing in the world that i can control,and that is myself.It means realizing that my cannot be happy unless i am in control of yourself.Happiness means not trying to control other people.i recognize that many times i have no control of the situations,events,and experiences in life.Happiness means taking charge of my life.It means taking back the very personal job of deciding what is good for me,and running my own show.

    Happiness gives i the ability to successfully cope with meeting challenges.Happiness means that i can show myself that i can do things i never thought i could.Happiness infuses i with the energy to have the power to take command of any situation.It gives i am a decisive attitude even when i think you can't.Happiness means that i understand the value that happiness brings into my life.It means that i have values as a human being.It means that i have respect for myself and for others.Happiness means that i consider virtue to be a sacred and important thing.

    Everyone has got into trouble,then you need most is others to help you.If everyone can contribute a little love,will no longer will look to others get help anxiously face oboro.We should take them for example.He said the PLA men lei feng!He should become our example,although very young by accident,but he gave his life was born a great life and died a glorious!Lei feng's uncle has many good deed,like good seats,that is the norm.Once,lei feng's uncle to train on the train,he found an old lady was anxious,restless,lei feng's uncle walk slowly past,ask:"old woman,what can I do for you?" The old woman still worried of say:"I see," said tickets and his search.Lei feng's uncle,without a ticket to go quickly,and bought a ticket to old woman,the old lady very grateful to him.Some passengers said he was "fools" uncle,lei feng was laughed and said:"I'd rather be such a fool." Lei feng's uncle,but he often do not often do a good deed.Once an old uncle thunder feng,help push carts,his car was tired after working,the old nurse just want to thank he asked:"what's your name,please?" Lei feng's uncle say with smile:"I is old,people still.Bye!" Finish nasty joy.don "run".If everyone as lei feng's uncle so helpful,just like golden thread will all every are connected,the most beautiful,the most precious is the necklace.Let every one of us don't mean god gave us a loving,because it is inexhaustible,it will make people think you very well.To squander your love!

    What is happiness?There are so many answers.Some people say,giving is a kind of happiness,it gives people warmth and joy.Someone says,the harvest is a happy,it makes you realize the joy of harvest and excited.And I said,helping others is a kind of happiness,it is the most beautiful experience,always warm your heart.

    The cold winter,the north wind whistling.Although I have been put into a "polar bear" but not against the cold,the north wind was blowing mercilessly,penetrated my jacket,straight into my body,from time to time there are a few leaves floating down,I walk in the road,shivered.It is quiet around,snow creaking sound.

    Suddenly,hear people complaining,very difficult to sweep,a look is a grandma,I thought to myself:grandma Zhang how one sweep?I have nothing,help to!

    "Grandma Zhang,let me help you sweep!" I shouted,"thank you!But I don't,you see how cold it is,you hurry home." She smiled and said.I was determined to sweep,I took a broom,began a difficult work to sweep.I'm from side to side scan.Slowly the sun is setting,the beautiful sunset is also gradually subsided after a ray of sunshine,you finally said goodbye to us,Zhang Nainai,said to me:"my child,come home!Don't let the family waiting!Thank you very much.I smiled at her and said:"no thanks,Zhang Nainai,bye." I walked on the way home I felt very warm,everything becomes better.

    Today,I am more sure to help others is a kind of happiness.