这里用的是一个倒装句. 不是动词作主语. creating a european identity is no easy task and demands a choice 是动词作主语. emerging from the 1980 census is the picture 的正常语序是the picture is emerging from the 1980 census
emerging from the 1980 census is the picture 这里emerging 加fro
英语翻译Know when the butterfly will emerge from the cocoon .The
英语翻译The particular form of the wavefront emerging from a rea
英语翻译emergence of store brands is the increased concentration
The synthetic organic pigment industry emerged towards the e
英语翻译Did anything emerge from your discussion?
Please note on the agenda that the size of the emergency bud
英语翻译Moving into the emerging TPL business the development se
Hospital emergency rooms treat injured fingers all the time.
This development marked the emergence of technology which be
英语翻译the emergence of the railroad during the 1800's did much