c 遇到point stage occasion 使用where表达抽象的一个点,也可用还原法,把a key stage放后面显然句子要通顺就得加个介词in所以用where 表方位
now their talks have reached a key stage____one side must gi
Now their talks have reached a key stage________one side mus00
Now their talks have resched a key stage00
Talks continued in the hope that the two sides will reach a_00
after several rounds of talks,the five sides finally reached00
pleace they must have finished their work by now.为什么用have fi00
Everyone has a stage in their life ______ they seem to have00
There must have been an angel by my side 其中的must have been a00
Something must have happened on their way there,or they ( )00
1、Everybody must have ____ own choice.their/one's/her/our00
英语选择 Teenagers have reached a point in their life ___ they a00