你明天晚上有什么特别的事吗?Is there anything in particular you want to do tomorrow night?
2 我想请你参加我的生日聚会.你愿意来吗?2 I'd like to invite you to my birthday party.Would you like to come?
3 好的,你在七点钟来好吗?ok,at 7 o'clock?
4 如果你一定要带什么的话,就带柠檬汁吧.if you must bring anything,then bring some lemon juice with you
5 友谊电影院正在放映“雷雨”.thunderstom is on show in friendship cinema.
6 是看早场还是晚场 which one,matinee or the midnight.
7 那我们去肯德基或咖啡馆.we can go to KFC or cafe.
8什么时间和地点见面 when and where do we meet?