高一英语改错共有十处错误One afternoon my father and I go fishing on a ri


  • One afternoon my father and (went) fishing on a riverside .We found the water was (so) dirty that we could not see (the) bottom.We saw some rubbish (and) (dead) fish floating on the water (as) well .That afternoon ,my father and I caught only a (small) fish .Why did fish in the river die That was because (delete the "of" here) a lot of factories along the river always poured (its) waste water (delete the "at" here) and rubbish into the river .In this way ,the water got (polluted).Thus,most of the fish in the river was killed.

    there you go,i kindda fixed that for ya...

    you know,if i were you,i'd dump that article in your teacher's face and tell him not to misguide his students anymore.the whole writing's pointless and sounds totally like Chinese...

    i can't believe the teacher choose such garbage as students' homework...
