

  • 麻烦写十个句子,既包含主语从句又包含宾语从句:

    Football is the most popular game,which people all over the world love it.

    I like playing computer games that my mother always tells me off for wasting too much of my time.

    Lucy loves learning English but her sister is fond of music.

    I walk to school every morning and my brother always rides his bike.

    I went to the library this morning,where there were many people already reading books.

    The teacher always tell the students to keep quiet when they are talking noisily.

    Tom is good at swimming,though his brother Tim is better at running.

    When the teacher is telling us a story,we all listen with a great deal of interest.

    My mother comes home late from work everyday that my father has to help with the housework.

    She love him so much but he is not very much into her.

