

  • 原文!

    廿 (niàn)二日天稍和,偕(xié)数友出东直,至满井.高柳夹堤(dī),土膏微润,一望空阔,若脱笼之鹄 (hú) .于时冰皮始解,波色乍明,鳞浪层层,清澈见底,晶晶然如镜之新开而冷光之乍出于匣(xiá)也.山峦为晴雪所洗,娟然如拭,鲜妍(yán)明媚,如倩(qiàn)女之靧(huì)面而髻(jì)鬟(huán)之始掠也.柳条将舒未舒,柔梢披风.麦田浅鬣 (liè) 寸许.游人虽未盛,泉而茗者,罍(lèi)而歌者,红装而 蹇(jiǎn) 者,亦时时有.风力虽尚劲 (jìng) ,然徒步则汗出浃 (jiā) 背.凡曝 (pù) 沙之鸟,呷(xiā)浪之鳞,悠然自得,毛羽鳞鬣 (liè) 之间皆有喜气.始知郊田之外未始无春,而城居者未之知也.

    夫(fú)不能以游堕 (huī) 事,潇然于山石草木之间者,惟此官也.而此地适与余近,余之游将自此始,恶(wū)能无纪?己亥之二月也.



    二十二日那天,天略微暖和了些,我和几个朋友一块儿出了东直门,到了满井.河堤两岸生长着高大的柳树,肥沃的土地有些湿润.放眼望去是一片开阔的景象,我(来到这里)好像是从笼中飞出去的天鹅.在这时河上的薄冰开始融化,水波开始发出亮光,泛起一层一层像鱼鳞似的浪纹,清澈见底,河水亮晶晶的好像刚打开的镜匣,冷光突然从匣子里闪射出来一样.山峦被融化的雪水洗干净,美丽的样子像是刚擦过一样,鲜艳明媚,好像美丽的少女洗了脸刚刚梳好髻鬟一样.柳条将要伸展却尚未伸展,柔嫩的梢头在风中散开.麦苗高一寸左右,游人还不算很多,但汲泉煮茶喝的,拿着酒杯唱歌的,身着艳装骑驴的女子,也时能见到.风力虽然还很猛,但是走路就汗流浃背.在沙滩上晒太阳的鸟儿,浮到水面上戏水的鱼,都是一副悠闲自在的样子,世间一切动物都喜洋洋的.才知道郊外未尝没有春天,只是住在城里的人不知道罢了 .



    Twenty (niàn) on the 2nd day a little and, kai (xié) a few friends out East, straight, to full well. Gao Liu clip embankment (dī), The soil is fertile micro-Run, a look Kongkuo, if the cage off of the Hu (hú). At the beginning when the ice-skin solutions, Bose Chad Ming, wave layers of scales, clear bottom, Jingjing ran as a mirror of the newly opened first glance out of the cold light of the cartridge (xiá) also. Mountains of Qingxue by washing, Juan ran like Shi, Xian Yan (yán) bright, such as Qian (qiàn) Women's Hui (huì) surface and the bun (jì) Huan (huán) is also the beginning of plunder. Wicker will not Shu Shu, soft tip cloak. Wheat shallow mane (liè) Cunxu. Visitors although not sung, and the Ming-chuen, who lei (lèi) and the singers, the red loading and Jian (jiǎn) who is also always there.

    Twenty (niàn) on the 2nd day a little and, kai (xié) a few friends out East, straight, to full well. Gao Liu clip embankment (dī), The soil is fertile micro-Run, a look Kongkuo, if the cage off of the Hu (hú). At the beginning when the ice-skin solutions, Bose Chad Ming, wave layers of scales, clear bottom, Jingjing ran as a mirror of the newly opened first glance out of the cold light of the cartridge (xiá) also. Mountains of Qingxue by washing, Juan ran like Shi, Xian Yan (yán) bright, such as Qian (qiàn) Women's Hui (huì) surface and the bun (jì) Huan (huán) is also the beginning of plunder. Wicker will not Shu Shu, soft tip cloak. Wheat shallow mane (liè) Cunxu. Visitors although not sung, and the Ming-chuen, who lei (lèi) and the singers, the red loading and Jian (jiǎn) who is also always there.

    Though wind is still fresh (jìng), ran on foot is sweating jia (jiā) back. Where Pu (pù) Sand birds, sipping (xiā) waves of the scales, leisurely, hairiness scales mane (liè) between the Jie You festivity. There was usually outside the rural Tian Shi Zhi-chun, the Town of Home Ownership is not the knowledge.

    Cardiff (fú) can not swim fell into the (huī) matter, Shaw vegetation in the rocks between the persons, provided that such officials are. The relevance here and I close, I would be since the beginning of the tour, and the evil (wū) can not discipline?己亥 of February also.


    Cold weather in Beijing, Flower Festival after the residual chill is still very keen. Cold wind always blowing, windy when Feishazoudan. Had to be bound in a house, 想出去走走 no good. Scamper toward the wind trot out every time less than a hundred paces on the back to back.

    On the 22nd day, a slightly warmer days a bit, I and a few friends together out of Dongzhimen to the full well. Embankment sides with tall willow growth, fertile land in some moist. Looking around us is an open scene, I (come here) seems to be flying out from the cage in the Swan. The thin ice at this time the river began to melt, water started issuing light, appearing like a fish scale-like layer of a layer of wave patterns, clear bottom, the river seemed to just open the shiny mirror tray, cold light suddenly come out from the casket inside Shan She, like . Mountains are melting snow washed clean, beautiful and looks like just grazed the same bright shining

    Just like the beautiful girl Xile Lian Huan Shu Hao bun like. Wicker will be extended has not yet extended, the tender's Shaotou in the wind dispersed. Wheat seedling an inch or so high, not too many tourists, but the sink spring tea drink, holding a glass singing, Yan Zhuang donkey dressed in a woman, from time to time to see. Although the wind is still fierce, but the walk on the sweat. The sun on the beach, birds, floating to the surface of the water splashing in the water the fish, are a leisurely look, all the animals are beaming with joy of the earth. Know there is still the outskirts of the spring, but live in the city who do not know it.