——What does your uncle do,Sam?——He is a(n)___.And he's g


  • ——What does your uncle do,Sam?

    ——He is a(n)_B__.And he's going to hold an art exhibition next week.

    A.pilot飞行员 B.artist 艺术家 C.engineer工程师 D.programmer编程师

    后面出现“ art exhibition”,可见是个艺术家

    2.——How did he_D__so much money in the bank?

    ——By doing a part-time job.

    A.borrow 借 B.spend 花去 C.pay 付(费) D.save



    3.——May I___your bike,Sara?

    ——Oh,sorry.It isn't_D__.It is my brother's.

    A.lend;my B.lend;mine C.borrow;his D.borrow;mine

    你向别人借要用borrow(东西从他人手里到你手里),你借给别人用lend (东西从你手里到他人手里).

    第二句对不起,它不是——,它是我哥哥的.可见要填 mine (我的)

    为什么不用my My 后面必须加东西,如 my book,my room.

    Mine 一般都是用在be 后面,而且这个东西一般都是指物品.

    4.——You always buy clothes at Jason's.Why?

    ——Because it has_D__clothes of all the stores and the quality is also good.

    A.cheapest 最便宜的 B.cheaper 比较便宜的 C.cheap便宜的 D.the cheapest最便宜的

    “of all the stores”暗示你要选D( 最便宜的).B 只适用于比较两个物品,cheap 只用于描述一种物品,“最便宜的” cheapest之前一定要加the

    5.——When can you finish your report,Mr Green?

    ——I think I need ten_C__minutes.

    A.another B.else C.more D.much

    如果要用A,得这么说“ I think I need another then minutes"



    建议你把”I think I need ten more minutes.”读10遍(要一边读一边理解这个句子的意思,不要随便读一读就过去了,不然读了等于没读哦!),熟悉这个用法,提高语感.以后自然就可以选到对的选项了.

    6.——I don't know if Mary___an old people's homw with us tomorrow.

    ——If she___,she will tell you about it.

    A.will visit;doesn't B.will visit;won't C.visits;doesn't D.visits;won't

    B .看看4个选项,句子中的第一个空格 不是填 will visit,就是填visitis,所以主要是判断时态.句子后面有tomorrow,所以是用 will visit.

    前面说will visit,那么如果她不去就是 will visit 的否定 => will not visit.will not = won't

    7.——What do you think of the hotel?

    ——Its price is too___.Few people can afford it.

    A.expensive 昂贵的 B.low 低的 C.high 高的 D.cheap 便宜的

    “Its price is too_” 它的价格太.

    "Few people can afford it."=少数人可以买得起.可见这个hotel很贵.因此选A

    few people= 很少人

    8.——Jane,I am sorry that I_B__your notebook at home again.

    ——Never mind.Remenber to bring it tomorrow.

    A.forget B.left C.made D.sent

    把什么东西遗忘在哪里,用left.如果要用forget,得说 forget to bring

    C,D 牛头不对马嘴.

    9.——Can I help you,little girl?

    ——___.I'd like a hamburger.

    A.Yes,please B.I'd love to C.Never mind D.Thank you

    选A .一般都是这样用.多读几遍记下来就好.

    B 的意思是 我喜欢(去做).,如.I'd love to cook 我喜欢做饭..

    C 的用法:比如有客人来你家里,你要给客人拿水喝,客人不想喝,因此说 never mind(没关系,别在意)但是本题,你是想买东西吃的,不是没关系的,如果说never mind,你还排队买汉堡包干嘛呢?.


    10.——Where are you going for vacation this winter?

    ——___.I___cold weather.

    A.Warm somewhere;hate B.Warm somewhere;like C.Somewhere wam;hate D.Somewhere warm;like

    选C..Somewhere wam = 某个温暖的地方 ,这个类似于 something new,something wrong,something interesting.多读几遍熟悉熟悉这种用法就好了.

    句子后面说 cold weather,而说话的人前面说要去温暖的地方,可见她是讨厌寒冷的天气的.所以后面填 hate