定语从句的疑问.Sep 18 1937 is the day we will never forget.为什么用that


  • 给你编个号:

    1、Sep 18 1937 is the day ___ we will never forget.


    2、Isthis factory ___ we visited last year?

    加上the one,是作定语从句的先行词 其实本该有that或which跟在the one后面的,道理和第一题一样,做宾语的关系代词省掉了.还原为陈述句看看:This factory is the one (that/which) we visited last year.

    3、This is the factory ___ we visited last year.

    这一句和我上面打的陈述句比比看,这里the factory自身就是先行词,所以可填which或that作从句里的宾语,或者省略不填.

    4、Mr.Herpin is one of the foreign experts who __ in China

    A works B is working C are working D has been woking

    选C,这种情况,先行词应认为是就近的the foreign experts,所以谓语用复数,其余选项均是单数.

    5、Mr.Smith is the only one of those foreiners who __ inChina.

    A work B is working C are working D have been working

    选B.此时因为one被only所修饰,故此句的先行词要认为是the only one,自然从句里的谓语要用单数,只有B是单数,其余均是复数.