英语 方式状语从句 仿造例句 写句子,急,


  • 1.He talks as if he knew everything.

    He talked as if he had known everything.

    2.He treats me as if I was a child.

    He treated me as if I had been a child.

    3.He looks at me as if we never met before.

    He looked at me as if we had never met before.

    4.He turns round as if he did not see me.

    He turned round as if he had not seen me.

    1.It looks as if he is older than you.

    2.It sounds as if someone is knocking at the door.

    3.We fell as if there was omething worng with the plan.

    4.It tastes as if the soup is a little salty.

    5.It smells as if mother cooks dinner.

    1.He standed up as if to leave.

    2.He waved his hand as if to say goodbye to us.

    1.He looked out of the window as waiting for someone.

    2.He sitted there as if thinking.
