Every day,Gao Weistarts work at 7:30 a.m..完形填空


  • 原文大概是这个吧.这里找来的:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/32660521.html

    EVERY day, Gao Wei starts work at 7:30 am. The 28-year-old is an animal trainer at Beijing Aquarium. The first thing he does is to prepare (准备) food for dolphins – buckets (桶) of iced fish. Dolphins eat five times each day.

    While the dolphins swim happily after breakfast, Gao begins to clean the pools.

    Later, Gao and his dolphins perform (表演) exciting shows for hundreds of people. Gao gives a gesture (手势), and the dolphins dance, turn or jump. Gao can even "ride" a dolphin. He stands on a dolphin's back and the dolphin quickly swims across the pool like a speed boat (快艇).

    The show lasts for about 30 minutes. Gao and his dolphins do two to three shows a day.

    Being an animal trainer is Gao's dream job. "When I was a kid, I once watched an US dolphin show in Beijing Capital Stadium. It was so wonderful I dreamed of doing it myself," says Gao.

    After Gao had graduated from college, he came to the aquarium. He has been doing the job for eight years.

    Gao works with two female dolphins called "Princess" and "Gege". He talks with them every day: "Good morning! How's it going?" "They are my best friends," says Gao.

    But dolphins are not always fun to be around. Sometimes they become upset and bite (咬) the trainers. They are also very moody. "Take the 'riding dolphin' game, I've been doing it for six years. But if the dolphins don't want to let me ride that day, they won't let me."

    Gao spends a lot of time with the animals. "I play with them and try to understand them. As a good trainer, I need to know what the animals think just from the way they look," he says.