

  • 元音组合

    ai /ei/ wait paint

    ay /ei/ may play day say

    air /ε?/ air hair chair

    al /o:/ tall small ball

    ar /α:/ farther farm car arm

    ea /i:/ meat please tea read

    /e/ head bread ready

    / / theater

    ear / / ear hear near

    / / bear

    / :/ earth

    ee /i:/ meet see bee feet jeep

    eir / / their

    er / / worker teacher

    / :/ her

    ere /i / here

    /ε?/ where there

    ew /ju:/ new few

    /u:/ flew grew

    ight /ai / right high bright

    ir :/ bird girl shirt thirty

    oa u / boat coat

    ong /o?/ long song

    oo /u/ book foot good

    /u:/ moon balloon

    or / :/ short fork port

    :/ word world work

    oor /o:/ door floor

    ore /o:/ more store sore

    ou / au / out house mouth

    our /o:/ four your

    /au?/ our

    ow/ u / bowl window

    /au / now cow flower

    oy /oi/ boy toy

    ur / :/ turn


    th /θ/ thank mouth

    / δ/ this that with

    tr /tr/ tree train truck

    dr /dr/ dress driver

    sh /∫/ shirt wash short

    ch /t∫/ child chair catch

    / k / school christmas

    / dз/ sandwich

    tw /tw/ two twin twenty

    wh /w/ white wheel what

    /h/ who whose whom

    ts /ts/ jackets kites

    ds /dz/ birds friends



    black blackboard blanket bleed bless blouse blow


    brake brave bread breakfast breath bride bridge british broom brush brown


    grand granny grape grasp greedy ground growth

    sc /sk/

    scarf scold scottish scream screen score


    spaceship spanish sparrow speaker spelling split spring spread


    stamp standard steady step still storm stove


    stranger strawberry strengthen strike strong struggle

    qu /kw/

    quake queen quilt quite quiz quick quickly quarter

    quarrel quality quantity

    ph /f/

    phone photo photograph phrase physical physics

    tion /ʃn/

    action application celebration collection condition congratulation construction direction mention

    ture /tʃə/

    picture temperature future lecture furniture

    mixture nature